The Story Behind the Creation of the Brand, Mirror Bridge

1. How would you define your Jewelry Brand?

It is something that is both ancient and modern, and an activity that creates a sort of authentic joy within us from being able to create something beautiful and custom made from simple organic elements. It is both fun and fulfilling to the soul.

2. What is your brand’s story?

I am very much inspired by the Celtic Fairy Faith and Irish Folkloric Mysticism and Magic. I just try to imagine, that if I was the size of a fairy, what objects would I be thrilled to find and use for creating things and that’s sort of how I developed my signature product line and materials list. It was almost like some sort of claircognizant, psychic experience, the way I figured out the list of design elements. It’s still difficult for me to totally put the experience into words.

3. What is the signature style of the brand?

The use of the selected elements or materials that are incorporated. You can take any object from the list, add a function to it by making it wearable, and have fun in the process of creating it. It’s not so much the design of the metals, but more the design of the pendant centerpiece, or the beads & metal charms used in the design. I wanted to create something innovative, and with personality, something out of the box and different from other jewelry lines. From my perspective, I feel like the majority of us are getting bored with fashion, makeup, high heels, and the endless expectation of trying to live up to a ‘certain social image,’ in order to be acceptable, so I think this idea is also very refreshing.

4. How does your brand tell a story?

It tells a story through the elements used in the designs, almost like channeling another world and bringing the little treasures to life by “adding function to the materials.” The elements are the objects that I would imagine that a Celtic fairy would give you to treasure or to make things with.

5. How do you hope to inspire your customers?

I hope to inspire people by helping them go back to their roots, find a calming activity, hobby, or book to enjoy and let go of the pressure to live up to society’s image of what is ‘perfect’ or ‘the right way to be’ and just enjoy life for what it is, through experiences, hobbies, crafting, traveling, reading books, and being overall just authentic and self-educated.

Jewelry Findings and How to make Magical Objects Functional & Wearable:

The Art of Feature Writing & The Components for Mirror Bridge Magazine

The Potential Components for Mirror Bridge Magazine:

1.) Book Reviews & Summaries (including the picture of the featured book.)

2.) Mirror Bridge Jewelry Products – Sales Section

3.) How-To Guides for selected & approved projects to be featured.

4.) Custom Trapper Keepers & Notebook Designs (adding pockets, personalizing, etc…)

5.) Featured Hand Drawn sketches of potential Mirror Bridge Jewelry designs.

6.) Art Projects that include the signature materials in their work (buttons, bottles, Marbles, Dominos, Thimbles, etc.. & Featured Artists & their Biographies.

7.) Subscription Box Filler Ideas

A Short Biography Intro from the Founder of Mirror Bridge

Hi, My name is Samantha McGuire and I am the Founder and Creator of Mirror Bridge. It all started with my passion for individualized learning and
the the ability to choose my own books to read and my own topics of interest, instead of being told what to study and read. In 2012, I was introduced
to Goodreads, a website that was a free and allowed people to build their own online library databases. I became totally addicted it for awhile,
and between 2013 – 2018, I built 5 different online libraries. I was very excited about that fact that you could create your own bookshelf categories
and organize your books however you wanted to, like “library art” in a way. About a year later or so, I started to link this concept to my first
Wordpress Blog called ‘Wisdom Web Networking’ and I would post daily themes of Books that focused on a particular topic, such as “Dream Interpretation,”
or “Celtic Shamanism,” or “Fairy Folklore & Mythology” and would post like 6 or 7 book recommendations for each topic, so my followers could
see the topic and options for books, and if they happened to be interested in that particular ‘topic of the day.’ I became very interested in ‘E-Learning’
and ‘Education Technology’ and how you could basically create any sort of social network database that lets people learn what they want to learn
and find their appropriate study groups that match their interests. Technology has such a wide range nowadays and everything can be turned into
an app., or a digital magazine, and be translated into 30 languages at 1-click of a button, so I became totally obsessed with creating an online
educational social network that would allow people this freedom and I wanted to call it ‘Wisdom Web Networking.’

Years later, I ended up having quite a traumatic housefire incident and had to move out for awhile. I don’t know if it was because of a brain injury,
my need for art therapy, or just a mental break, but I started to really get into Jewelry-Making and came up with a small list of materials
that were very unique and different than the usual beads and pearls and jump rings. It was almost like I was in this weird state on consciousness,
while living in a state of ‘limbo’ after the fire and I ended up writing down this list of materials. I originally wanted to call it ‘Tiny Treasures Jewelry’ or “Pretty Little Things…Jewelry,” but I couldn’t quite decide on a good name. I ended up calling it “Simply Unique Designs” for quite awhile and then ended up finding a way to merge my two passions into Mirror Bridge Universal. I just think the name is so perfect for the merge of my two business passions…Instructional Design & Jewelry-Making.

Wisdom Web Networking + Simply Unique Designs = Mirror Bridge Universal…An Instructional Design Magazine of the Arts…The Lifestyle of Mirror Bridge

My Original Degree of Interest – Education Technology & Instructional Design

Here are the links to my other websites:

The Creation of Wisdom Web Networking

Here is the Link to my Wisdom Web Networking Website Components / My E-Learning Network:

So, I just recently came to the realization that through all of the chaos, and the moving, and the housefire I had, that I somehow forgot what my career passion was in the process. I started developing a concept for ‘Wisdom Web Networking’ in 2012 to create “The Ultimate Educational Content Management Social Networking System” that would be enjoyable for people to use and to find what they are truly interested in learning about and building a personalized web of information and sources, sort of like a more expanded version of Goodreads, but with all different types of sources, such as websites, Youtube Videos, and any other information source reference. After moving to the house I live in now, I started a Goodreads account and got super addicted to building digital libraries and I ended up gathering and archiving over 12,000 books and it sort of evolved into a digital bookstore, that I called Mirror Bridge Books. This passion for learning just sort of found me and I actually enjoyed learning again, in my own way, in a more meaningful way. I also worked on my Wisdom Web Networking WordPress Blog and would post daily topic themes and different book recommendations that fall under the Theme Topic of the day. Then I started to think about designing a bookstore, with books archived how I would archive them, and beautiful interior design and architecture that would make it into an amazing bookstore lounge. I sort of forgot about all of this, and started getting into jewelry making as therapy after the housefire I had and started to build a jewelry design company, and sort of lost my whole self in the process. I was ecstatic when I found my file of notes from the very beginning of designing Wisdom Web Networking and it really helped me bring the WHOLE vision together to create Mirror Bridge Innovation Center. I feel so much more fulfilled as a person to know that I can do more then make pretty jewelry and that I actually did put a lot of work into designing the concept for Wisdom Web Networking and Mirror Bridge Books, even though I had forgotten about it for awhile because of burnout of the brain from everything that has happened in my life. I truly appreciate all the support I get when it comes to creating my business ideas and ventures and I want to thank all my followers and supporters because without you, I would truly be nothing.

Here is a copy of the original business plan I had written for Wisdom Web Networking..

***The Revised Wisdom Web Networking Business Plan:

Wisdom Web Social Networking, An Educational Content Management Social Networking System – Building Your Wisdom Web Page

– Collect Articles, Website Links, Youtube Videos, Book Titles of your own interests.

– Personalize Your Web Page (Background, Biography, Photos, Etc..)

– Personalize Your Topic Preferences & Interests

– Personalized Source Recommendations based off what topics you like.

– Collect and Archive Sources of all types.

-Sections would include “My Books,” “My Videos,” “My Articles,” “My Magazines,” “My Website Links” all on one social networking site.

– Enhanced Individualized Learning

– Find Friends based on similar interests and topic matches.

– Remember to look for ‘References within References’ to keep building your Wisdom Web.
(For Example: A Book Title Reference within a website OR Website Links referred to in a Book, etc…)